Saturday, February 14, 2009

Polka dot plum

Have you seen these amazing designers around? I have been in love with PDP since I first found them at the Sunshine Studio Scraps store. Then like all good designers they had a call.....well the rest is history and now you get to see me give you a special valentine. I hope that you have been keeping up with the blog train. There are 14 fabulous quick pages up for grabs all from the new PDP creative team members. I am in the middle of the list but relax there will be a master list of a train members soon. But let me tell you who is next on the goodie train that would be the amazing Jenny. You can check her out here. I hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's day and a great weekend.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Polka dot plum

Have you seen these amazing designers around? I have been in love with PDP since I first found them at the Sunshine Studio Scraps store. Then like all good designers they had a call.....well the rest is history and now you get to see me give you a special valentine. I hope that you have been keeping up with the blog train. There are 14 fabulous quick pages up for grabs all from the new PDP creative team members. I am in the middle of the list but relax there will be a master list of a train members soon. But let me tell you who is next on the goodie train that would be the amazing Jenny. You can check her out here. I hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's day and a great weekend.